What to Bring To Your Appointment
- Child’s social security number
- Child’s birth certificate
- List of medications and dosage child is currently taking
- Child’s insurance information
- Proof of household income
- Child’s referral if they have one (from a hospital, CSU, primary doctor, etc)
- Proof of custody or guardianship
- Any changes in your address, phone, or insurance
- New client registration packet which you can download from this page and fill out prior to coming in. You will also be provided with this at check-in when you arrive for your first appointment, if you aren’t able to fill it out beforehand.
What to Expect and Additional Information
- Child’s legal guardian must be present at the time of the appointment.
- We offer an Open Access service model for new clients on a walk-in basis, which means we are happy to serve your child without a scheduled appointment, first come, first served. Open Access is offered at Clearwater Center beginning at 8am, Monday – Friday.
- Please expect your child’s initial appointment to last two hours (which does not include wait time) because this is when we will assess financial resources and therapeutic needs which will inform our next steps.
- Your child will receive an assessment to determine the therapeutic services needed to most efficiently and effectively address their treatment needs.
Insurance and Payment Information
- We accept most Medicaid and Medicare plans accepted as well as the following commercial plans: Aetna, Humana, BCBS, AvMed, United, and Ambetter.
- If you have commercial insurance, you must pay your copay and it is due at the time of service.